My First contact

Created by Robert 25 days ago

Peter was a larger than life character, and he always had time for people.

As a newly appointed salesman for Scania, i clearly remember my first meeting with Peter at the then Kings Ferry depot in Pump Lane, Gillingham and even though i had spoken to Peter on the telephone in my previous occupation before joining Scania, i was very nervous about meeting Peter, with the hope of trying to sell the Kings Ferry new coaches. Myself and Ian Hall (my then boss) were at the meeting and any nerves i had, soon disappeared as Peter was so welcoming, with that characteristic twinkle in his eye and sharp sense of humour, i immediately warmed to him, but at the same time realised his passion for his company meant that any negotiations for the supply of our product to the Kings Ferry was going to keep us on our toes.

This was the start of a long and enjoyable working and personal relationship with Peter, and i shall always be mindful of his professional approach to business, whilst also being able to put people at ease.

I shall always remember his adage when we were in negotiations, " Both parties need to feel comfortable with the deal, that way we can always do business again"

Thank You for all your help & guidance throughout our times of working together, and your friendship. R.I.P. Peter

You will be greatly missed. 

Bob Nevitt